It's been a while since my last visit to Narita T2. The terminal building has a lounge for China Airlines called the Dynasty Lounge, which feels relaxing like a little hideaway.
I am super lucky. This evening, CI assigned the Queen of the Skies to their last flight of the day to Taipei Taoyuan International. The flight uses B-18212, one of four passenger 744s delivered in 2005 that are still in service with China Airlines.
最高にラッキー。 CIは、今夜の台北桃園国際空港行き最終便に空の女王をアサインしてくれた。チャイナエアラインがまだ運航している4機の旅客型744のうちの1機、2005年にデリバーされたB-18212で飛ぶ。
These seats are amazingly old school. I feel like I’m time-traveling back to the 00’s. The Queen is only 14 years old and is one of the youngest passenger 744s. She deserves more modern seats.
The seats are old, but the cabin feels quite spacious because it's wider than those on the 777 and A350. China Airlines B747-400 NRT-TPE. The 756th flight in my lifetime.
シートは古いものの、キャビンは広々。777やA350よりもキャビン幅が広いので。チャイナエアライン B747-400 NRT-TPE。生涯756フライト目。