Flying to LAX. This route was formerly operated as the red-eye with the 767-300,  but Delta acquired daytime slots at Haneda and moved its departure time to the afternoon. At the same time, they changed its flight number and upgauged to the 777 that has a herringbone seat configuration. I miss the time-machine-esque overnight operation which allowed you to arrive at LAX on previous day even though the cabin has become more spacious.

Our gate buddy at Haneda was Vietnam's beautiful A350.

The departure runway was RWY 05 a.k.a. D Runway.
出発滑走路はランウェイ05 a.k.a. D滑走路

Climbed over the Edo River. Delta B777-200 HND-LAX. The 691st flight in my lifetime.
江戸川上空をクライム。デルタ B777-200 HND-LAX。生涯691フライト目。
