Every KLM 777-200 is named after a World Heritage site. Except for one plane. Luckily, today I can fly on that exception which takes its name from Albert Plesman, a founder of the world's oldest airline KLM. I enjoyed a comfortable and relaxed cabin, as always, all the way to Schiphol.

With this flight, 2 miniature Dutch houses are added to my collection. No.74 & 84. And these are my 16th & 17th houses. KLM B777-200 KIX-AMS. The 540th flight in my lifetime.
このフライトで、2軒のミニチュアダッチハウスが新たに僕のコレクションに加わった。74番と84番。我が家では16軒目と17軒目。KLM B777-200 KIX-AMS。生涯540フライト目。