Another boat check-in. This time at Cipriani that won the best hotel in Europe, Asia Minor, and Russia by Condé Nast Traveller readers.再びボートでチェックイン。今度はチプリアーニ。コンデナスト・トラベラーの読者に、ヨーロッパ、小アジア、ロシアでのベストホテルに選ばれたこともある一軒。

Their promotional copy says, "If Venice is a theater, Cipriani is the Royal Box."

The hotel is on the thin island of Giudecca, which is next to the central islands of Venice. And it's on the opposite side of the island when you look from Piazza San Marco.

Four minutes from Piazza San Marco on a private boat. 24-hour operation.