Flying to KIX on JAL's 767 to catch AF's flight to CDG. I feel that misjudgments like replacing domestic Super Seat service with this unattractive Class-J product have led to JAL's downfall today.CDG行きエールフランス便に乗るため、JALの767で関空へ飛ぶ。スーパーシートを廃止して、この中途半端なクラスJを導入するような誤った判断が、今日のJALの衰退を招いたように思えてならない。

However, I love their traditional solemnity in displaying the names of the personnel in charge. On the boarding bridge, they also show the name and photo of the chief mechanic in charge of the particular aircraft.

JAL B767-300 HND-KIX. The 484th flight in my lifetime.
JAL B767-300 HND-KIX。生涯484フライト目。