I visited ASET (Aerospace Industry Exhibition Tokyo ) 2009 at Tokyo Big Sight to check out the talk session by President of Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation Mr. Egawa, CEO of All Nippon Airways Mr.Ito, and President of The Mainichi Newspapers Mr. Asahina titled "Wing of Japan to the world and for the future: From Nippon-Go to MRJ." The event was quite successful, and a lot of the audience took the standing room. In this session, Mr. Asahina introduced Maha Harada's novel "Tsubasa wo kudasai~Freedom in the sky" which features the Japanese-built pre-war "Nippon-Go."
In the venue, The Mainichi Newspaper opened a special booth to introduce "Nippon-Go". Its round-the-world flight was made by this newspaper company 70 years ago.
三菱航空機の江川社長、ANAの伊東社長、毎日新聞社の朝比奈社長の3人による「日本の翼、世界へ、未来へ-ニッポン号からMRJへ」と題されたトークショーを見るために、東京ビッグサイトで開かれている東京国際航空宇宙産業展2009を訪問。トークショーは大盛り上がりで、立ち見も出るほど。話の中で朝比奈社長は、戦前の国産航空機「ニッポン号」を主役にした原田マハさんの小説「翼をください~Freedom in the sky」を紹介してくれた。